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Navigating the “T” transition to leadership

Navigating the “T” transition to leadership

As a successful executive, you knew exactly what you needed to do to get where you are today. You acquired degrees, mastered the needed skills and accumulated the relevant experiences. Hard skills often come easy...
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Get Real TED: Leading with Authenticity

Get Real TED: Leading with Authenticity

As an executive coach, I’ve watched my fair share of TED Talks. Have you ever noticed how integral the audience’s reactions are to creating the whole TED Talk ambiance? TED Talkers must rehearse for hours...
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3 Questions to Ask Before Speaking Up

3 Questions to Ask Before Speaking Up

The art of speaking up is a skill that a lot of executives struggle to master in ordinary times, let alone when everyone is trying to adapt to the cultural mores of videoconference calls. Saying the wrong thing...
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