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Information technology
Those of you who read my blogs know I write often about the human aspects of IT project failures and the lack of open discussion between technologists and their business colleagues.  Well, here comes some more evidence. Information Week published an article entitled “Heroes Wanted,”  which is about the unfortunate lack of technological innovation at...
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Many months ago I quoted IBM and McKinsey when I wrote about the influence personal behavior has on IT project success and direction.  Recalling those two quotes: According to an IBM study, only 40% of projects meet schedule, budget and quality goals.  Further, they found that the biggest barriers to success are people factors. McKinsey...
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What a breath of fresh air in “IT Careers:  Do You Need an Executive Coach?” by Mary Pratt in the July 26th issue of CIO.com.  Clearly, the answer is yes; everyone needs a coach (see video of Eric Schmidt and a New Yorker article by surgeon Atul Gawande).  In fact, Ms. Pratt’s article begins with...
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